

Our Set-Up Challenges The Best Of The Companies In The World. It Has A Provision Of Excellent State-Of-Art Machines. Our Focus Area Is Not Limited To Just Supply Material But We Put Lot Of Labor Into Our Testing, Research And Development, Laboratory, Warehousing, Advancements In Production And Excellent Working Conditions For Our Staff Which Directly Helps Us In Producing High-End Products. We Have Latest Machinery, Fully Equipped Laboratory, Fully Functional Research And Development Wing Which Is Operated By Our Most Experienced Professionals. We Are Located In The Heart Of India Which Gives Us An Added Advantage Of Transportation. Our Fast Shipment Helps Us To Timely Meet The Deadlines Given By Our Customers.

We are located in the heart of india which gives us an added advantage of transportation. our fast shipment helps us to timely meet the deadlines given by our customers.



» Manufacturing Department

» Quality Department

» Packaging Department

» Warehousing Department

» Logistics Department

» Specialised Import-Export Department